Your Spirituality In 2025
Isn't A "Goal" To Work On.

It's The Soil From Which 
All Other Goals Grow.

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Why Your Eman Is NOT A Goal

There's a human pattern we've been told is normal. We compartmentalize our life into slices: health, wealth, family, Deen - all areas to improve on as though they're independent of one another. 

You make progress in one area, but inevitably something else suffersMore quality time with family, but you're no longer eating right. You thrive in career, but you're sleeping less. 

And when you finally have all the plates spinning, there's a new problemburnout.

To avoid the guilt of underperforming, we end up exhausted and unfulfilled, constantly questioning why we feel tired and disconnected.

This is what happens when you compartmentalize your spirituality: you end up relying on your own strength, your own capacity, and your own achievements to see changes everywhere else. And the problem with that is - try as you may - your strength is limited. 

It's like building your home on thin ice. 

Instead, when you place Allah at the center, everything else begins to grow with purpose, clarity, and barakah. And the possibilities are limitless. 

The Summit Outline

Before Setting Goals, 
How To Bring Energy, Positivity, & Tawakkul Back Into Your Life

Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah)

This pre-recorded session is for every soul who feels stuck in a cycle of fatigue and negativity. 

It’s for those who wake up feeling burdened by their responsibilities, the parents longing to give their children the best version of themselves, and those who secretly ask, “When will I feel like myself again?”

Before setting your 2025 goals, this session will set the tone and point you in a new, more uplifting direction. Start 2025 not with burnout, but with a foundation that lasts.

For Immediate Attention:
Too Tired & Too Broken to Make Dua

Ustadha Razia Hamidi

You’re exhausted, jaded, and asking yourself, “What’s the point?” You’ve prayed for ease, for change, for relief—and it still feels out of reach, your hands getting even heavier. It’s easier to stay silent than to face the disappointment of unanswered prayers or the fear that you’re doing it wrong.  

This session is for those who feel too weary to hope again. We’ll explore the root of this heaviness, why it happens, and how to overcome it with practical, faith-based steps. Learn how to ask Allah with renewed purpose, even when life feels overwhelming, and rediscover the transformative power of Dua as a source of strength, not just a plea for solutions. 

Break Free From Financial Anxiety 
by Unlocking Pockets of Barakah In Your Life

Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy

Worrying about money can feel like a forever storm - never enough, always uncertain, and weighing down every decision you make. But what if there’s a way to invite ease and abundance into your life, even when the numbers don’t seem to add up?

This session will guide you in uncovering hidden pockets of barakah in your wealth, work, and time. You’ll learn how to shift your perspective, align your efforts with divine principles, and rely on Allah's infinite provision to create a life of stability and peace.

Financial freedom rooted in Islam isn’t just about freeing yourself from the enslavement of money - it’s about reconnecting with the One who gives without limits.

'What If It’s Not Good for Me?'
How Fear Of Answered Duas Is The Root Of Stagnation

Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim

Stuck in a place of uncertainty? "What if what I’m asking for leads to regret, hurt, or betrayal?

This fear often keeps us from asking for anything at all, creating a cycle of stagnation, paralyzed by indecision.

In this session, you’ll explore how the fear of answered Duas can be a deeper source of spiritual paralysis, stopping us from progressing in life and holding us back from the growth we seek.

The fear isn’t just about what to ask for - it’s also the fear of success, of receiving answers we may not fully understand or be ready for. The result is making weak, same-old Duas that feel safe

In 2025, confront your fears, break through the stagnation, and take brave, new strides with confidence and trust in Allah. 

Your Child's Dua: The Heartbeat Of The Home And A Remedy To Parenting Anxiety & Burnout

Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Your children's Duas benefit you in the grave because of the seeds you plant today - while you're still here. 

Imagine a home where Dua isn’t just a practice - it’s the reason for your family’s peace, direction, and connection to Allah; and the remedy for parenting anxiety and fast-paced days void of barakah.

It starts when you shift from self-reliance - trying to do it all alone - to Allah-reliance. When you model Dua as your core starting point and a family practice, it becomes a natural part of your family’s rhythm - a rhythm of calm and purpose, instead of anxiety and burnout. 

How To Build A Legacy Before You Leave This World
With Tiny Steps & One Gigantic Dua

Aliyah Umm Raiyaan

Leaving a meaningful legacy doesn’t require wealth, fame, or grand gestures. It starts with the smallest, most consistent steps done with intention. And at the heart of it is one powerful tool that can shape your impact beyond your lifetime: Dua.

This session explores how even tiny actions, fuelled by sincerity and paired with a single, audacious Dua, can leave ripples of goodness in this world long after you’re gone. Learn how to align your efforts with your ultimate purpose and unlock Allah’s infinite capacity to amplify your impact.  

Because building a legacy isn’t about what you can do alone - it’s about what Allah can do through you.  

Why Now?

While many people see the beginning of a new year as the perfect time for personal change, as believers, we recognize that the concept of time is far more significant than simply following a calendar. 

We honor "Wajib al-Waqt" - the Duty of Time. In every moment we have a duty and an opportunity to make change, to turn back to Allah, and to act with urgency. We understand that transformation doesn’t require waiting for a certain date or milestone—it happens now, when we choose it. 

The early preparation of al-Sabiqoon, those who race to excel and strive ahead, teaches us a crucial lesson. They don’t wait for the start of Ramadan to begin their preparations; they start well before.

Change, growth, and purification take time, much like how a seed needs time to germinate and sprout before it blooms. If we want to be spiritually prepared for Ramadan - and truly ready for the blessings it holds - we must plant those seeds now. 

By starting today, we honor Allah’s command to act when the time is right. We understand that real growth takes time and intention, and that the seeds we plant now will bear fruit when the time comes.

Every moment counts. The change begins with us, and it starts now.

Reviews From Last Year's 
Spiritual Renewal Summit


Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Spiritual Renewal Summit? 
The one day summit brings together a range of Muslim leaders like Ustadha Razia Hamidi, Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi, Aliyah Umm Raiyaan, Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim, and Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy to help you kick off the new year with a fresh perspective, help you use past mistakes to strengthen yourself for the future and hit the reset button before treading carefully into the coming year with hope, confidence, and game-changing mental shifts.
What can I learn from this?
We'll be covering the following topics:

1. Before Setting Goals, How to Bring Energy, Positivity and Tawakkul Back In Your Life
Sh. Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah)
2. For Immediate Attention: Too Tired & Too Broken To Make Dua
Ustadha Razia Hamidi
3. Break Free From Financial Anxiety by Unlocking Pockets of Barakah In Your Life
Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy
4. "What if It's Not Good for Me? How Fear of Answered Duas is the Root of Stagnation
Sh. Yahya Ibrahim
5. Your Child's Dua: The Heartbeat of the Home and a Remedy to Parenting Anxiety & Burnout
Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi
6. How To Build A Legacy Before You Leave this World With Tiny Steps & One Gigantic Dua
Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
What is the date and time for the The Spiritual Renewal Summit?
The Summit will take place on Sunday, January 12, 2025, and it will start 10 AM ET 
Who are the speakers at The Spiritual Renewal Summit?
We'll hear from Aliyah Umm Raiyaan, Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy, Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim, Hosai Mojaddidi and DiscoverU's Razia Hamidi and exclusive footage from Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah)
How much does The Spiritual Renewal Summit cost?
It’s FREE! You can register completely free of charge, so be sure to share the registration page with friends and family to join too.
Where does the Summit take place?
The Spiritual Renewal Summit takes place online, once you register you'll receive a zoom link to join once the event goes live, reminders will be sent before we start.
I can't attend live, will there be replays for The Spiritual Renewal Summit?
This is a LIVE Virtual Summit with a focus on its live attendance and community, simulating an in-person atmosphere as much as is possible online. We encourage you to attend LIVE to benefit from the complete immersive experience and energy. 

For this reason, replays be available for a limited time inside the Facebook group. But you have an option to get lifetime access to the summit replay, if you're interested you can get it here
Can I register for Visionaire Ramadan 2025 during the Summit?
Absolutely! Visionaire Ramadan 2025 will be available for you to register at the Summit.
What are the dates and times for Visionaire 2025?
Dates: Sat-Sun, March 8th - 9th & Sat-Sun, March 15th - 16th @ 11am ET
I have some questions. Who can I speak with?
You can contact our support department: 

WhatsApp: +447728716777
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