There's a human pattern we've been told is normal. We compartmentalize our life into slices: health, wealth, family, Deen - all areas to improve on as though they're independent of one another.
You make progress in one area, but inevitably something else suffers. More quality time with family, but you're no longer eating right. You thrive in career, but you're sleeping less.
And when you finally have all the plates spinning, there's a new problem: burnout.
To avoid the guilt of underperforming, we end up exhausted and unfulfilled, constantly questioning why we feel tired and disconnected.
This is what happens when you compartmentalize your spirituality: you end up relying on your own strength, your own capacity, and your own achievements to see changes everywhere else. And the problem with that is - try as you may - your strength is limited.
It's like building your home on thin ice.
Instead, when you place Allah at the center, everything else begins to grow with purpose, clarity, and barakah. And the possibilities are limitless.